Building Mindfulness Practices

As leaders & teachers, parents & grandparents, millennials & baby boomers; we have complicated lives, busy schedules, and make many daily decisions. With so much stimulation and distractions, we try to multi-task, but know now that really doesn’t work because the multiple activities don’t get our full attention. We need to learn to slow down and learn the art of ‘being present’ to each thing that we do, to allow us to be at our very best with each and every decision and activity that we engage in.

Mindfulness, born out of meditation practices in the East, brought to the West by Jon Kabat-Zinn, is the answer to ‘paying attention’ in our harried world. Jon’s definition of mindfulness, is paying attention in a particular way; on purpose, in the present moment and non-judgmentally.

Think about you and your leadership, and your organization and see if any of these questions pertain to you.

  • Does your organizational culture need a mindfulness boost to create greater collaboration and increased productivity?
  • Are your leaders fully engaged in their daily leadership development especially in their coaching and mentoring?
  • Does your R & D or clinical development team need to enhance their creativity to bring more products to market?
  • Are you looking at innovative ways to grow your business and need more focus on creating those opportunities?

Perhaps a focus on mindfulness practices would allow your organization to maximize your leaders and talent allowing greater focus and thoughtful decision-making. These practices both individually and as a group can help to bring that attention back to your purpose and vision. Let Janet B. Matts, LLC support those efforts exploring a mindfulness strategy for you and your organization.